A big day National Day of Prayer (Today, @ 6:00 pm). In Colchester, due to the state restrictions for the… Read more Thursday Connection 5. 7. 2020
Author: Kory Schutz
Wednesday Connection 5. 6. 2020
And there is more… Let’s begin with a pleasant and beautiful way to greet YOUR day and show appreciation of… Read more Wednesday Connection 5. 6. 2020
Tuesday Connection 5. 5. 2020
No weapon or virus on earth can blast this most relevant verse out of the Bible – Romans 13:11 Besides… Read more Tuesday Connection 5. 5. 2020
Monday Connection 5. 4. 2020
Christian Life Chapel going forward. This present time is critical. In the weeks ahead we are going to make sure… Read more Monday Connection 5. 4. 2020
SUNDAY Connection 5. 3. 2020
Outlook Going Forward From our Brother in Christ, Bill; I was considering our Covid19 quarantine with a different outlook today.… Read more SUNDAY Connection 5. 3. 2020
Saturday Connection 5. 2. 2020
Going forward Is going forward any different from moving on? The word perseverance makes me think of steadily going forward… Read more Saturday Connection 5. 2. 2020
Friday Connection 5.1. 2020
Waiting Game My drumming my fingers on the kitchen counter waiting for the microwave to finish proves that patience does… Read more Friday Connection 5.1. 2020
Thursday Connection 4.30.2020
Ouch, an APRIL to FORGET Linda and I went grocery shopping together yesterday morning heeding the following anonymous advice…… ”Husband… Read more Thursday Connection 4.30.2020
Wednesday Connection 4.29.2020
Refresh Welcome This evening, I AM HOSTING THE BIBLE STUDY SERIES, “RISEN.” In the New Testament there are over 50… Read more Wednesday Connection 4.29.2020
Tuesday Connection 4. 28. 2020
Just not feeling it. There were two men who worked together – Apostle Paul and Demas – mentor and mentoree… Read more Tuesday Connection 4. 28. 2020