Saturday Connection 3.28.20

“The coronavirus has turned everyday life for most people upside down. America, like most of the world, is in a state of emergency. Millions are faced with unemployment or business loss, and most tragic of all, so many are facing this pandemic without the hope of Jesus Christ. People are filled with anxiety and fear.” – Franklin Graham

Crisis Hotline…please call me (Pastor Mike) or pass my phone number (860-537-3914) on to others who would need prayer or a godly perspective on things at hand. Thank you. [was posted on three ‘Colchester only’ social platforms yesterday as well as for your blessing too!!!]

“I fully believe that the church in the midst of this kind of uncertainty that our nation and the global community faces, has the position, privilege, message, compassion, and sense of mission that our nation and communities need the most. As a result, I am hopeful that, through these uncertainties, how the broader world thinks about the church will be changed, that the credibility, respect, and willingness to hear the message of the church will be increased in our land. . . .The world needs a pastor. They just don’t know it. Now the church has the privilege of being the world’s pastor.”  – Mark Young

Understanding the quote preceding, I will preach tomorrow from John 13:31-34 and titled the message, “The World’s Pastor.”  Brother Kory will post the sermon on our church’s website today for the convenience of your listening anytime.
Eric Swanson’s sister Laurel has tested ‘positive’ for COVID19. She works at Nataug Hospital and is now quarantined in her bedroom at home.  Her husband Bill is in danger due to his double lung transplant six months ago and the medical cancellation of his immune system for life so that his body would not reject his new lungs.  Pray for Bill and Laurel as many of us have heard his testimony of healing this past Thanksgiving.

Pray for my own mother’s (Rachel) protection (Pastor Mike).  The beautiful Pennsylvania Nursing Home she resides in is reporting this morning that three residents now have COVID19.

Baby GIDEON, Brien and Terry’s family, at 1.5 pounds he is fighting for his life! A ventilator is necessary but it damages his lungs at the same time it helps keep him alive.  His eyes and brain are also in great danger. It’s a ‘tightrope.’  Pray for God’s blessing to Gideon, his mother Brieanne, and for all his wonderful caregivers.   

The next  Chapel Friends Conference call (Conversation and Prayer) is planned for Monday evening at 7:00 pm.  

How are you?

To our regular church ‘donors.’  In order to make a tithe/donation to our church please send it to: CLC, PO Box 91, Colchester, CT 06415.  Debbie T will be making a bank deposit.  Thank you.  Also, your own on-line depositing is available. Please give me a call to assist you at 860-537-3914.  
Pastor Mike Brubaker, DMin

One thought on “Saturday Connection 3.28.20

  1. Noreen Farrington says:

    My heart is so heavy for all those that are suffering -You are all in my daily prayers. Watching the news is most disturbing- not an ostrich in the sand- just the reported deaths come across like stats. The news reporters do not seem to comprehend that these numbers represent people and their families who are experiencing such grief impacted by this virus. I’m praying that they change the slant on reporting to one of faith and compassion to our politicians who are trying to put into action protection for us as a species.

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